About - McPherson Media, LLC

Multimedia & Marketing
NewsOur Work

McPherson Media is a multimedia and marketing company that produces websites, mobile applications, and marketing campaigns to help growing businesses. We aim to create quality products and provide positive marketing direction to maximize growth potential.

Whether you are just getting started as a business and don’t know where to begin or have been up and running for years and want to improve your marketing game, we have the creativity and knowledge to help. We take pride in what we do, and we want to give others the feeling of satisfaction and peace of mind with great results.

That’s all fine and dandy, but who are you, personally?

My wife and I are just a couple of home-steading foster parents looking to change the world, tackling one problem at a time. Over the years we have worked for many different companies where we worked with websites, mobile apps, marketing, photography, and various other areas that require attention to detail and a focus on working with businesses. We decide to roll up our sleeves and put all of our experience together into McPherson Media, LLC. We knew we could help others with what we learned from our past experiences, and now we’re here to prove it.

Cedric McPherson

Member | Developer | Designer

With over a decade of experience developing websites and mobile applications, I’ve honed my skills in both in-company and agency environments. I thrive in high-stress situations and have a proven track record of delivering positive results on high-profile projects. My expertise spans the full spectrum of product development, and I’m always eager to take on new challenges to help others succeed.

Gena McPherson

Member | Photographer | Marketer

I tend to be a wearer of many hats. In past years I ran and marketed a photography business. And more recently I was the Chamber of Commerce director for my hometown. My life and past experiences have molded me to be intuitive, adaptive, and focused on the details which enables me to deliver exceptional services for my clients.